- electric car

How Do Electric Cars Work?

Opting for an electric car is a wiser and more eco-friendly option than the conventional cars as they are less polluting and more efficient. Gas guzzling automotive may soon be a thing of the past as these electric cars are fast gaining popularity due to their multiple benefits for the users.

The marked differences between a car and a gasoline car are determined by the power source that provides the motive force of operation. These cars run on AC and DC motors and are powered by rechargeable batteries whereas gasoline cars run on internal combustion engines that convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.

These are known for their extensive wiring. To power up an electric car, there is no need to visit a gas station, it is just simple, just plug into an electric socket and get it recharged. In case of solar powered electric cars, the user needs to use solar cells to charge the batteries.

The electric car engine works by a DC or an AC electric motor similar to that used in a fan or a compressor. The DC motor gets its power from the rechargeable batteries and they provide the motive force for motion of wheels. The power however is not directly fed to the motor but mediated by an AC or DC controller mechanism.

The controller device determines the speed control of an electric car, and also determines how much power is to be delivered to the main electric motor that drives the wheels. The accelerator pedal of the galvanic cars is connected to potentiometers, which are further connected with the DC controller. There is a proportional ratio between how much you press down on the accelerator pedal and how much current is delivered by the potentiometers to the controller. Depending on this current supply, the controller delivers power to the motor and thus speed is regulated in an electric car.

These have a potential speed of 100 miles per hour and are both user friendly and highly efficient. The only downslide in buying them is that, since their cost of production is high, they of course are costly and in most of the circumstances cannot be afforded by the common man. But the heartening news is that with the advancement to technology, new and cost effective means of producing the galvanic cars is being propagated and we can surely see more of them in our streets.